Thursday, January 20, 2011

Enchanted Doll by Marina Bychkova & Dollfair problems

I got this via email from someone and I thought I would post it here for everyone. I'm just copy pasting the whole mail since I don't have much to add to this myself. It seems Marina and Lillycats of Cerisedolls are having the same problems with Dollfair as far as poor prototypes are concerned. 
Later today I will be posting some things that Lillycats has said in regards to Dollfair possibly releasing her dolls without her permission, which would be a breach of their contract. Please stay tuned!

Here is the mail I received:

I have been following your blog, thankfully I learned from past issues and stopped ordering through Dollfair, but was still interested because Enchanted Doll contracted with them for Dollfair to produce her resin dolls.
Marina Bychkova, the artist, is very tightlipped about the entire thing,  but on a Russian Forum, (through a translator) she admitted to getting bad casts from Dollfair:

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#770 Today, 10:16 AM
Soft fired Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 90

On a Russian forum there is a thread about Marina's dolls
On January 8th one of members asked:

Marina, tell me what [is happening] with the Russian list for polyurethane? whether there is some progress in the direction of casting? I very much want Vega! can't take it anymore .....

...and Marina responded: .

Dear, do not add salt to my wounds! [They] again sent defective [cast]! How much one can endure!
I sent it back with a final warning. Now I wait again.
And it all began so well.

The rest of posts on this issue at recommend checking on the ED forum for information about the whole scandal around resin casts from DollFair and repeat information already posted here.


As I said before please be aware that Dollfair's paypal name is DATATEX MEDIA, please think twice before sending a payment to them for anything! 



  1. coud you please post this on the DOA thread because the Mods were fast to delete hobbysue's post on this for reason she is not invovled and yet still dont ban catrina.

    the conspiracy is rife.
    i'll see what they have to say if YOU posted it and is involved.

  2. what i referred to was the translation on what lilycats said about breach of contract that was deleted.

    the mods are watching and was quick to delete that one on basis that hobbysue isnt involved

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